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Green Field



Agropec develops a hybrid business model, which can be subdivided into 3 basic divisions listed below. We intend to continue expanding the business on these three fronts, in order to take advantage of the existing synergies between them, guided by a culture of continuous improvement of our operation.

How We Do Business

how we operate

agropec / how we operate / how we do business


Land transformation

We identify and acquire underdeveloped land, or which have been developed inefficiently, and then we apply state-of-the-art technology, good agricultural practices, and the vision of a qualified and professional team that can bring this land to its maximum level of productivity. We have a team specialized in the analysis of new opportunities. Since the beginning, we have analyzed more than 700,000 hectares, both in the regions where we operate, and also in other productive areas of the world.

Helpful Links:    Register our Farm    |    Polices    |    Governance    |    Contact


Operations on own land

We produce grains in our areas, such as soybeans, corn, beans and sorghum, and invest in the development of Precision Agriculture (PA), a set of innovative techniques and methodologies that aims to improve crop management and enhance our productive areas, and increase our production each year. We also invest in beef cattle production, and the Group currently has more than 40,000 active bovine breeding cows and an animal breeding center located in the city of Araçatuba, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil.

Helpful Links:    Grupo Costa Negócios    |    Crop and Inptus Planning   


Management and implementation of farms  

Agropec believes in Angola’s agrarian potential and development capacity, and has seen the opportunity to maximize its results and contribute to the modernization of local agriculture, providing farm implementation and management services, transferring value and knowledge to the country's new generation of investors and farmers.  For further information, please contact us or register your rural property on our portal.

Helpful Links:    Register your Farm    |    Our commitment to Angola    |    Contact

agropec / how we operate / how we do business

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