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Image by Charles Deluvio

Principles of Our Governance




From the beginning, still as a business plan, until the consolidation of its operations, all companies that are part of the Group operate with transparency with its partners, investors and suppliers, especially regarding its principles, business management, and operational and financial performance, following the following corporate governance practices:


agropec / governance / principles of our governance

Agropec has well-defined policies that are applied to all its employees and cover the Company values and principles regarding duties and responsibilities, labor relations, confidential information, policies, internal procedures and controls, among other topics.


#Board of Directors 
Agropec has a Board of Directors to facilitate the sharing of experiences and management of the company and the projects under its supervision; composed of professionals with different experience and profiles, who have already experienced challenges similar to those that the company is facing.  Our Board of Directors is composed of 5 members, qualified and willing to help and deliberate the most diverse topics, aiming the efficiency, innovation and relevance increase in the market.

#Follow-up Meetings
Agropec holds regular meetings between its teams, among project investors and between the Board of Directors. In all these meetings, we monitor each project, inform relevant facts, identify and manage risks and develop action plans for goals and indicators. All relevant meetings are recorded in minutes and distributed to interested parties.


#Corporate Liability
The administrators and managers of Agropec ensure the economic and financial viability of the projects they conduct, both own or third parties, always seeking to reduce the negative externalities of the business and its operations, and to increase the positive ones, considering in the business model the various capitals (financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social, environmental, reputational, etc.) in the short, medium and long term.

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