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Green Field

Crop and Inputs Planning




Strategic definitions between employees, managers and investors guide the elaboration of the agricultural planning of each year, where the planting areas and the strategy of inputs use are defined according to the peculiarities of each crop and the agricultural year.

how we operate

agropec / how we operate / crop and inputs planning

#Agricultural Planning
Agricultural planning is the crucial stage of the production process and is designed on the basis of detailed local market studies, climate forecasts and production costs. At this stage, the agricultural planning team conducts a careful assessment of the factors that interfere with production and, based on technical decisions, all the necessary inputs are planned to promote the proper development of each crop, aiming to exploit its maximum productive potential. Agricultural planning is carried out with Farms technicians from January to March of each year, when crops, operations, fertilizers, correctives, pesticides, seeds and machinery are defined. Strategic planning also allows long-term analysis and to seek market opportunities, input purchasing opportunities and commodity sales.


The seeds definition for the formation of our crops involves the choice of Biotechnologies (traits) and their tests to prove their efficiency in the regions where our farms are located.  For that, every year we plant a few hectares with different varieties initially from Brazil, we test their production potential and, depending on the results of this small scale, we will adopt or not a larger scale in the following year. 

#Pesticides and Fertilizers

Purchases of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and fertilizers are made directly from the major players of the local and international market. We strive for the correct positioning of applications, always with the recommendation of our agronomists, aiming at product quality, better efficiency in the field, and the lowest cost per hectare.


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