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Image by Charles Deluvio

Principles of our Business




The core values we share of honesty, integrity and respect for people support all our activities and are the basis of our Business Principles. Business Principles apply to all transactions, large or small, and guide the expected behavior of each employee and third party in conducting their activities related to Agropec at all times.  


We are judged by the way we act and our reputation will be maintained if we act in compliance with the Law and Business Principles. We also encourage our business partners to adhere to the Business Principles or equivalent principles.  


The application of these Principles is supported by a set of procedures designed to ensure that employees and third parties understand and act accordingly.  


Each employee and third party who is aware of or suspects of violations to the Business Principles of Agropec must report them on our Reporting Channel. We want Business Principles are the basis of our conduct, and incorporating them into our daily lives is critical to Agropec's continued success.


agropec / governance / principles of our business

#Principle 1 - Economic

Long-term profitability is essential for achieving Agropec's business goals and continued growth. It is a measure of both the efficiency and value that customers place in Agropec's products and services.  Without profit and a solid financial basis it would not be possible to accomplish our responsibilities. The criteria for investment and divestment decisions include sustainable development considerations (economic, social and environmental) and a detailed assessment of investment risks.


#Principle 2 - Competition

Agropec supports free initiative and free competition. We compete fairly and ethically within the Law framework, in particular the applicable law, and do not prevent other companies from freely competing with us.  ​ 


#Principle 3 – Business Integrity 

Agropec insists on honesty, integrity and justice in all aspects of its activities and expects the same from those with whom it does business. All employees must avoid conflicts of interest between the activities developed in their personal life and those developed while conducting Agropec's business. All business transactions on behalf of Agropec must be adequately reflected in Agropec's accounting, according to the established procedures and applicable law, and are subject to audit (internal and external). ​  ​  ​  ​ 


#Principle 4 – Political Activities 

Agropec acts in a socially responsible manner, according to the laws of Angola, in the pursuit of its legitimate commercial objectives. When dealing with governments, Agropec has the right and responsibility to disclose its position on any matters affecting it, or employees, or society, in a manner consistent with its values and Business Principles. ​ ​


#Principle 5 – Health, Safety and Environment 

Agropec has clear guidelines for health, safety and environmental management, in order to achieve a continuous management of sustainable performance in these areas. For this purpose, Agropec manages these issues as critical business activities. We are always looking for ways to develop our operations, products and services in a sustainable way. ​


#Principle 6 – Political Activities  Agropec acts in a socially responsible manner, according to the laws of Angola, in the pursuit of its legitimate commercial objectives. When dealing with governments, Agropec has the right and responsibility to disclose its position on any matters affecting it, or employees, or society, in a manner consistent with its values and Business Principles.

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