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Privacy Policy

agropec / privacy policy

I. Internet Privacy Policy

The data controller is AGROPEC GESTÃO E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A (Agropec). By providing personal data on the Agropec website, the visitor is explicitly consenting to the transfer of personal data to Agropec for the execution of their requests.

II. Data collection

We only collect personally identifiable information that is expressly and voluntarily provided by visitors to the Agropec website. Generally, identifying information is collected for:


  • Request for additional information

  • Whistleblowing

  • Sending resumes


Demographic information, including gender and occupation, is not usually required but may be submitted when a visitor responds to an online job application. It is Agropec's policy to limit the collection of information so that it is only sufficient to satisfy the visitor's requests. In cases where information is not required, the visitor to the website will be notified of this at the time of data collection.

Visitors can also send e-mails through the site. Each message will contain the user's name and e-mail address, as well as additional information that the user considers essential to include in the message. Since our site is also a recruitment tool, a visit to our website may also result in the sending of a user's CV to an Agropec recipient.

Outside the cases provided for by law, the processing of personal data concerning philosophical or political beliefs, party or trade union membership, religious faith, private life, and racial or ethnic origin, as well as the processing of data concerning health or sex life, including genetic data, shall be prohibited. At no time is the collection of sensitive data requested or encouraged. Should the user voluntarily provide them, Agropec will not be held responsible for their processing under this policy.


III. A user may provide personal information in the following examples:

  • Request for additional information

  • Whistleblowing

  • Sending resumes


If you want to know more about the different categories of information collected, please review the section on data collection.
The information obtained by the site is used exclusively for the purposes foreseen at the time the information is collected. This information is not shared with other entities on the network or with third parties for other purposes unless at the time of collection, it results otherwise. If it is necessary to share this information for other purposes, the consent of the owner will be previously requested.


IV. Cookies and file registration

Cookies may be used on some pages of our site. Cookies" are small text files located on your hard drive that allow us to provide you with more personalized website experience. For example, a cookie can be used to store registration information in one area of the site so that you do not have to provide it again on the next visit to that area. It is Agropec's policy to use cookies to facilitate visitors' navigation through our site, as well as to assist efficient registration procedures.

If the use of cookies concerns you, many browsers allow you to reject them. In most cases, a visitor can refuse a cookie and continue browsing the websites.

To manage our website, we can register information anonymously in our operating systems, identifying categories of visitors by items such as domains or browser types. These statistics are communicated jointly to our Web Administrator. In this way, we ensure that our website provides the best web experience for visitors and is a useful information resource.


V. Third Parties
 It is Agropec's policy to disclose information to third parties only in the following circumstances:


  • When required by law through a court notice, search warrant or other applicable legal processes.

  • When explicitly requested by the holder


Agropec web sites do not store or collect personally identifiable information for dissemination or sale to third parties for consumer marketing purposes or sending e-mails on behalf of third parties.


VI. Data storage

Information from e-mail lists, comment boxes, and e-mail is stored only for a reasonable period of time in order to facilitate visitors' requests. Resumes are only deleted when they are no longer under consideration, or when they are considered out of date by our Human Resources department.


VII. Access
All visitors have the right to change the personal data they have submitted through the Agropec websites.
User information updates must be made back in the registration process. All questions regarding the accuracy of identifying information previously submitted to Agropec through the respective website, or requests for removal of outdated information, should be directed to Agropec is committed to providing adequate access to visitors to allow them the opportunity to identify and correct any inaccuracies. Upon request, Agropec will delete the identifying information from current systems.
Whenever Agropec stores identifying information, it assumes the responsibility to keep a strict record of that information, once submitted by the visitor, and after verification of the data by the visitor.

VIII. Security
Agropec has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. All Agropec employees follow a network security policy. Only authorized Agropec employees to have access to personal data and are also bound by the duty of secrecy and confidentiality.

IX. Modifications
Agropec reserves the right to modify or amend this Statement at any time, and we, therefore, advise you to consult it at regular intervals.

agropec / política de privacidade

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